Microsoft Travel - Hotel Flow

1. Add Hotel

1. Add Hotel

2. Hotel booking options

2. Hotel booking options

3. Continue on hotel booking

3. Continue on hotel booking

3. Hotel information/summary

3. Hotel information/summary

4. Hotel Summary on Check-in & Check-out

4. Hotel Summary on Check-in & Check-out

5. Continue to scroll down to enter more info on hotel summary

5. Continue to scroll down to enter more info on hotel summary

6. Auto add into your itinerary timeline

6. Auto add into your itinerary timeline

6. Hotel Summary

6. Hotel Summary

7. Form Hotel Summary, you have info options “Map, Website or Phone”

7. Form Hotel Summary, you have info options “Map, Website or Phone”

11. View duration and type of transportation to your destination

11. View duration and type of transportation to your destination

15. Display destination from Seattle to Boston with transportation options

15. Display destination from Seattle to Boston with transportation options

8. Direction form airport to hotel

8. Direction form airport to hotel

12. Travel by car to your destination

12. Travel by car to your destination

16. View detail information on “Option 1” from the dropdown indicator

16. View detail information on “Option 1” from the dropdown indicator

9. Travel by bus to your destination

9. Travel by bus to your destination

13. View the fastest way by car to your destination

13. View the fastest way by car to your destination

10. Travel by car, bus or walk

10. Travel by car, bus or walk

14. Random entering info without selecting a type of transportation

14. Random entering info without selecting a type of transportation